Hello Year Six!

It has been a crazy couple of weeks: I mean, sunshine in March, who’d have thought it? Anyway, I hope you’re all still washing your hands while singing ‘Happy Birthday’ with the same sweet, soothing voices that I am now missing echoing down the Key Stage Two corridors four times a day (ok maybe they […]

Hello Nursery!

We are really missing your happy, smiley faces in Nursery- the classroom is ever so quiet without the sound of your giggles and laughter! We especially miss hearing about all of the exciting and wonderful things that you have been up to- we’re sure that when we come back to school, you will all come […]

Year Twoooooooo!

It already feels like so long since we saw you all. I hope you are all safe and happy! Miss Pinnington and I are missing seeing all of your lovely smiley faces. It’s so strange for you all not being in school isn’t it? I was missing your cool dances so much on Friday that […]

Hello Year Four

Well, I’m guessing this whole situation is just as strange for you as it is for both myself and Miss Hayward. We are missing you all so much and can’t wait to see all of your smiley faces and your wonderful personalities again once we all get back to normal. We hope that you are […]

Hi Reception

We hope that you are all keeping safe at home and still remembering to wash your hands whilst singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice! 🎶 It is so strange being at school and not having you here with us; the classroom is very quiet without you. We look forward to hearing all about your time spent at home […]

Hello Year Five

I hope that you are all healthy and well! We hope that you are continuing to make progress through your home learning packs but also making time to be you. Over the past two terms you have all showed that you are all extremely courageous, kind, generous and understanding. The way you all dealt with […]

To our lovely Year One

It seems like it has been soooo long since we have seen you and we are missing you very much! We hope that you are all well and that you are showing your mums and dads that teamwork makes the dream work by working together! School is very quiet without you and Mrs Rushton is […]

A Message from Miss Nelson to Year Three

What a strange couple of weeks it has been. We hope you are all staying safe and washing your hands. I wonder how many of you are still counting to 20 in French while you do it? It is strange not seeing your happy, smiley faces every day but I want you to know that […]

A message of support for you and your children

We are a week and a half into this unprecedented situation that we all find ourselves in. It has been a hectic, strange time for staff, their families, our parents and the whole Hillside community, but at school things have now started to settle as we have found our new rhythm. Although school is closed […]

Easter Holiday provision at Hillside

We  have been asked by the Local Authority to survey our parents to ascertain whether Easter holiday provision is required at Hillside. This provision , as outlined by the LA, is for the children of NHS and emergency services staff, direct care workers and any ancillary staff for the hospitals also. The Easter holidays run from Monday 6th […]