Around the world with Reception

This week Reception have been reading the story of A Walk in Paris. We found where France was on the map, created our own French flags and completed a map of the world jigsaw.

Parachute games in Reception

This week we have been working together to play some exciting games using the parachute. We had to ensure that we were all following the instructions at the same time, so that the parachute moved in the way that we wanted it to.  

Symmetrical lines in Year Five

This week in our maths we’ve been investigating lines of symmetry. We developed a STEM sentence as a class and then applied this using mirrors to identify lines of symmetry. As the lesson progressed, children grew more confident at identifying lines of symmetry without relying on a mirror.  

Geography Comparisons in Year One

This week we’ve been finding out more about Antarctica and the Arctic and have been comparing them to where we live in the UK. 🌎 We’ve thought about climate, weather, how many people live there (population) and why. We’ve also talked about human and physical features and have started to find out about the animals. […]

Mental Health Awareness

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is MOVEMENT! 🕺 We’ve shared an assembly and thought about lots of different things that help our mental health – the children were INCREDIBLE at coming up with so many ideas about how to looks after themselves and others and many of them linked to […]

KS1 Halle Orchestra Visit

KS1 have been inspired by the Halle Orchestra from Manchester 🎻 They came to share stories with us that were accompanied by music – the viola, violin, cello, drum, cymbal and glockenspiel 🎵 We heard about what happened after Jack left the beanstalk and when the three bears and Goldilocks became friends 👧 We all learned […]

Counting in Year One

Year One have been counting in 2s. They have practised by counting pairs of socks and have  counted numicon, made patterns, cut and stuck the 2s, filled number lines and number squares and have practised practised practised! They applied their skills counting flowers, counters and socks in their books and even tried to work them out […]

Map work in Reception

This week we have been reading the story of What the Ladybird Heard. We studied the map of the farmyard and created our own focussing closely on the farmyard features such as the pond, the barns and the fields. We think that we have made a fantastic job of it 😁

Classical Music in Year Five

The class were in tune this week as they practised their classical chords in music. It was lovely to observe them working collaboratively together and offering each other advice.