Artist of the Term – Martin Bullinya Y2

Today, we learnt about our ‘Artist of the Term’ who is called Martin Bullinya. We learnt information about him such as that he was born in Kenya and that he likes to use bright colours and charcoal when he designs. We then worked in groups to think about colour and pattern and began to design […]

Valentine’s Day in Nursery

The children have enjoyed learning about the story of St Valentine today, they have talked about who they love and made a special treat for the people we love. We hope you like your surprises!

Y4 Valentine’s Day French

Year 4 are creating hearts containing all of their favourite things in French. They are using dictionaries and the iPads to find the translations.

Y4 Science investigation

This morning the Year 4 children went on to the field to carry out a science investigation. They were investing how the volume of a sound changes as you move further away for the source. We used an app on the iPads to measure the decibels. Why not ask your child what we found out?

❤️ Valentines Day ❤️

The children enjoyed a delicious  valentine-themed dessert after their dinner today. Thank you to our kitchen staff for making them look so cute! ❤️

Reception’s Pizza Parlour Role Play

Look at our new role play area! It has been turned into a Pizza parlour as we are reading a book about making pizzas. We think it’s great. What would you like on your pizza?

Pizza time in Reception!

The children have had a fantastic time today. First we read the story ‘The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza’. Then we discussed what we like on our own pizzas before actually making our own. We can’t wait to eat them! Mmmmm 🍕

Year 4 Hindu Workshop with Mrs Mclure

This afternoon the year 4 children have enjoyed learning about the Hindu faith especially Hindu weddings.  The children listened carefully and treated the Hindu artifacts with care and respect. At the end the children asked thoughtful questions to extend their learning further. The children were fascinated with the Bindi dots and many asked if they […]

Y2 and Y3 Hinduism Afternoon

Wow! What an afternoon we’ve had! We’ve been learning all about Hinduism including their religious artefacts and their religious texts. We discussed the importance of the religion and where it originated. We even had an opportunity to dress in traditional clothes. We had a fantastic time, and we can’t wait to learn more in class! […]

Parental Control Tools

All gaming consoles, handheld devices and operating systems for PC and Mac are equipped with parental control systems, allowing parents to protect their children’s privacy and online safety according to various parameters. With these control tools, parents can: – select which games children are allowed to play (based on the PEGI age ratings) – control […]