Easter preparations in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been super busy completing their extended writing which is based on our key text of the term, ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. The children have been writing a persuasive letter to Stoick the Vast, informing them of their views about catching dragons. Also, the children completed their P.E. lesson, in […]

Easter Fun in Nursery

Nursery have had a very busy week completing lots of Easter activities, they have listened to the Easter story and retold it using clues they found in the woods. They have been creating Easter artwork, making cakes and learning about the life cycle of a chick. We hope you all have a lovely Easter Nursery […]

Information about testing from Stoke-on-Trent City Council

As lockdown restrictions continue to ease over the next month, residents are reminded that there are a variety of ways to get tested for COVID-19 across the city. Residents without any coronavirus symptoms can get rapid result, lateral flow tests at eight community venues and a variety of community pharmacies citywide. People who book a […]

Easter in Reception 

The children in Reception have has a fantastic week learning all about the origins of the Christian Festival of Easter. As well as talking about the changes in nature around springtime, they have baked chocolate Easter cakes, created Easter collages, completed Easter maths work and been on an amazing Easter treasure hunt. The children collected […]

RE Day and Easter in Year One

Year One have enjoyed exploring the story of Easter as part of RE Day. After listening to the Easter story, we sequenced it using pictures and reading for clues. We then listened to and practised lots of Easter and Spring poems, linking to our learning in Science about seasonal change and new life. We practised […]

Year Six are Paleontologists

Year Six are making the most of the lovely weather by doing science outside today. Uncovering the bones to a mysterious animal bit by bit, they must act as a paleontologist to analyse what they uncover, piece bones together, make predictions about what the creature is and justify their predictions to their peers.

Brand New Online Safety App

At Hillside, we take advice from National Online Safety to ensure all children are using technology safely. Recently, National Online Safety have released a new app for parents. It is a comprehensive collection of online safety guides and free online safety courses. It does require you to sign up but this is free to do. […]

QR Code Maths in Year Two

The children in year two have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. In maths, they had to move around the room and collect the 2D shapes and their properties on their answer sheet. They checked their answers by scanning QR codes using the iPads. Well done everyone!

Fun in the sun! ☀️

How lovely that our children are out on our school field this afternoon enjoying the sunshine ☀️ and having lots of fun with their friends.