Stay Well Mental Health Service

Mental health is of the utmost importance and the Stay Well service in Stoke-On-Trent has a wealth of resources for parents to access to support children. There are services for children who are doing okay but need some support to cope with changes or things happening in their lives, as well as further support to help children feel mentally well, including details about how to access CAMHS, and how to access different mental health resources, courses or one-to-one support. If you feel your child has additional mental health needs, please let us know in school and we can offer further support (contact your child’s class teacher or Mrs Rushton) and do access the Stay Well Team as shared on the poster or via the webpage. Mental health is a priority at Hillside and we will be offering further training in due course regarding the importance of self-esteem (details to follow). Wishing you a wonderful weekend ☀️