RE in Year Five

This week the children have been learning all about different values. We thought carefully about our own values and discussed them amongst the class. Also, we considered the values which a Christian person might have and where these could be seen in the Bible.  

Year One’s Toys! 

Year One loved bringing in their own toys today to start their new topic – Toys! They considered where their toys were from, what they were made of and told us all about why they liked them. There was a fab range of toys from dolls to cars to dinos! 🦖 We also began to […]

The Big Story RE Day

On Monday, the whole school explored the big story of the bible. Following an introductory assembly by Mrs Ashton, each class took one of the key concepts to investigate in more detail. The concepts being Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, Kingdom of God. The children were fascinated and enjoyed the wide range […]

Celebrations in Nursery

This week we have been learning about the Diwali festival. The children have listened to and recalled The story of Rama and Sita, used small world to retell the story, made rangoli patterns and decorated mendhi hands. We have talked about the firework displays that are a big part of the Diwali celebrations and had […]

Year Three’s Super Science

The Year Three children have been learning about skeletons this week in science. There had been a disaster – Miss McCann’s skeletons had fallen to pieces! The children were tasked with putting them back together again. There was lots of fantastic conversation about where each of the bones are located in the body and some […]

Computing in Reception

Reception have been developing their computing skills this week by programming the Beebots to move around the carpet and painting firework pictures using Purple Mash. Well done Reception. The next steps for the Beebots are to programme them to move to a specific location. This is something that we will be working on, over the […]

Christianity Assembly

Today Year Three and Year Five welcomed a special visitor to Hillside. Karen Petherick is the new vicar at Milton church and she came to introduce herself and give a brief introduction to Christianity. The children listened beautifully and contributed  lots of thoughtful answers to the questions posed. We are all looking forward to getting […]

TTRS Year 6 City Wide Rock Off

Our Year 6 children were nothing less than inspirational during the city wide rock off that took place during the final week of the last half term. They battled tirelessly in the competition and played at every available opportunity including giving up their break and lunch times to ensure their class ranked highly on the […]

Year Six’s gymnastic routines.

Over the last six weeks, children have been practising individual skills in gymnastics: cat-leap full-turn, stag-leaps, hurdle-step cartwheels with round-offs, backward rolls to pike and diving forward rolls. This week, they put everything together than they had learnt into one final team performance – what they produced was exceptional. Well done Year Six; you’re all […]

Gymnastics in Year Two

This term, the children have completed gymnastics on Thursdays. They have developed a range of skills, including different ways to move, balance and jump. The pictures show children practising straight jumps, half turn jumps and tuck jumps. They practised on their own mats before evaluating each other on the performance mat. After half term, they […]