French in Year Four

After learning about the weather during French lessons, the children have reported on the weather in France. We learnt about some cities in France and the children typed up the weather, included matching pictures and some had a go at recording themselves speaking in French.

One Kind Word and Odd Sock Day!

We have launched Anti-bullying Week wearing our odd socks to show that we are all different. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same and our amazing sock combos have proven how interesting we all are today! 🧦  During the week all of our classes will be taking part […]

Year Three’s Fantastic French

This term, Year Three have been learning French greetings including how to ask each other’s age and name. They are improving their French speaking and listening skills by conversing with each other in French and taking part in lots of activities like bingo and using their maths skills to practise their French numbers. Well done […]

Year One’s Toy Sort

Year One have used their investigate skills to sort old and new toys this week as part of their History learning. They considered what the toys were made of, how they were made and whether or not their parents or grandparents could have played with the same toys. Super sorting everyone! Why not have a […]

Preparing food in Year Four

As part of their DT unit the children have had the chance to use a range of techniques to prepare different foods for tasting. They used the bridge hold and claw grip technique when using knives and learnt how to use both knives and graters safely.

Poetry in Year Two

For their homework, the year two children have been learning a poem. They practised at home and today, they recited their poems off by heart. They were amazing!  

Observational drawing in Year Six

Year Six have been looking at the floral patterns of William Morris’ motifs this term. To support their perceptual understanding of the floral designs, children have practised drawing from observation, using close analysis to draw ‘what they see, not what they think they see’.

Remembrance Day in Nursery

This week we have read the story ‘A Day To Remember’ to support our learning about Remembrance Day. We have found out all about why we wear a poppy and what the poppy represents. We have talked about the roles of the soldiers and how brave they are. We have enjoyed dressing up, role playing […]

Reception: The story of Diwali

This afternoon, Reception recreated the story of Rama and Sita exploring in the woods. They had a fantastic time and even made up their own Diwali song, accompanied by a range of musical instruments. Fantastic Reception.  

Rowing in Year Five

During this half term, Year Five have been getting to grips with using the rowing machines. We have been working very hard on our technique and are looking forward to challenging ourselves in the coming weeks by increasing the length and pace of our rowing.