Forces in Year Five

Since the beginning of term, Year Five have been working very hard increasing their knowledge on forces. They have planned their own investigations for air resistance and water resistance as well as sharing their results digitally.  

Nursery Workout with Joe Wicks!

The children have had a great time completing a workout with Joe Wicks today as part of our Children In Need activities. We have been running, marching, squatting and lunging before ending with a lovely stretch to relax our bodies. Super work out Nursery!

Music in Year Two

Year Two love their music lessons with Mr Hall. They have been clapping and using instruments to a steady beat, singing in the correct shape of a song and our Singing Stars have been having playing musical games after school.

Children In Need and Pudsey Winner!

THANK YOU HILLSIDE! You are incredible! Everyone is having a comfy day, enjoying PE with Joe and completing mindfulness activities with Dr Ranj and it is well deserved as we have raised… drum roll please… 🥁 over £100 for the cake raffle and almost £300 in total for Children In Need! Kennedy was the winner […]

Odd Sock Day in Reception

Reception have been thinking carefully about what makes us different this week and how we should embrace that. We loved showing our odd socks and talking about the different patterns. We also talked about how wonderful and interesting our world and the people in it are and how it would be boring if we were […]

Investigating in Year One 

We studied a variation of plants🌱 and trees 🌳 during our Science learning to find out what we could spot that was the same and what was different! We added labels to the roots, leaves, stem or trunk and flower (if they had one) and talked about some of the functions of the plants. We […]

Year Six Sports4all festival

The Year Six pupils have had an inspiring afternoon taking part in a range of paralympic sports at Excel Academy. The aim of the event was to promote the paralympic sports of boccia, soft archery, curling, basketball and badminton, to show that anyone could take part regardless of any disabilities. The children had a fantastic […]

French in Year Four

After learning about the weather during French lessons, the children have reported on the weather in France. We learnt about some cities in France and the children typed up the weather, included matching pictures and some had a go at recording themselves speaking in French.

One Kind Word and Odd Sock Day!

We have launched Anti-bullying Week wearing our odd socks to show that we are all different. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same and our amazing sock combos have proven how interesting we all are today! 🧦  During the week all of our classes will be taking part […]

Year Three’s Fantastic French

This term, Year Three have been learning French greetings including how to ask each other’s age and name. They are improving their French speaking and listening skills by conversing with each other in French and taking part in lots of activities like bingo and using their maths skills to practise their French numbers. Well done […]