Year One’s Computing

What a challenge Year One have faced this week! We have completed our computing units, looking at different types of technology in school and at home (why not try and name a few that you can spot?) and we’ve thought about how to stay safe online. We’ve created our own avatar (and talked about how […]

Times tables in Year Four

The staff in Year Four have been really impressed the progress all of the children have made with their recall of times tables. Here they are singing along to the 6 times tables.

Christmas Carol Service

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we were unable to go to the church today. But luckily Reverend Karen was able to come to us. We enjoyed listening to the Christmas story and celebrating by singing the carols that we had been learning. What a fantastic start to our Christmas celebrations!

Reception Nativity Story

This week we have been exploring the Nativity story from the Bible. We linked each character to the story and discussed what each one did before re-enacting the story. We had fantastic fun and are now able to talk about this story with confidence. Well done Reception.

RE Day in Year Two

A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated RE Day at Hillside. Year Two were tasked with finding out about Salvation. This is the Easter Story from the Bible. The children coloured in pictures of each part of the story, put themselves in order and wrote a sentence to explain which part of the story they […]

Year Three Are Ready For The Rain! 

In Geography this week, the Year Three children have created rain gauges which they will use to collect and record the rainfall throughout the week. They will then compare their findings with the rainfall in Brazil. They used super teamwork to create their rain gauges and decide the best spot for rain catching.

Geography in Year Five

This week Year Five haven been learning all about tectonic activity including earthquakes and volcanoes. Also, we have been recapping our knowledge of continents and countries around the world. The children have been using the globes to navigate their way around the world identifying the different continents and the counties within them.  

Amazing Artists in Year Three! 

Year Three have been learning about Nick Gustafson’s rainforest art this term and have created their own interpretations using oil pastels. They have used bright colours and different techniques such as pointillism and layering. We are so impressed with the results!  

Technology in Nursery

Over the past few weeks we have been using technology in our classroom. We have been learning how to use the Bee-bots, exploring on Purple Mash and using 2Simpl to create pictures linked to our learning.

Year Two at Peak Wildlife Park

Year Two had a lovely day yesterday at Peak Wildlife Park. We learned about habitats and how animals have adapted to the environment. We also looked at African animals and went into the African village to understand what life is like for people in Zambia.