Music in Year Five

After learning lots of festive songs to sing, Year Five have created their own music to support them. It was fantastic listening to them performing on the acoustic guitars and percussion.  

Nursery’s Visit to Santa 🎅 

Last week the children had a very exciting trip to see Santa, we didn’t quite make it all the way to the North Pole but Santa very kindly met us at Amerton Farm. The children enjoyed a fun-filled day, having a ride on the coach, leaving school behind and heading on their first Hillside adventure, […]

Rivers in Year Four

In Geography, the children have been enjoying learning about the different stage and features of rivers. They have also enjoyed reading about the journey of a river in shared reading.    

Rowing Event

Last night’s Rowing event at Hillside was a fantastic success. A group of our Year 5’s welcomed a group of children from Burnwood Primary school. This was Burnwood’s first introduction to rowing. All of the children had great fun and managed to record some great times. Well done!  

Year One’s Toy Visit! 

Year One had a brilliant day dressing up as toys and being visited by Alison from the Brampton Museum! She brought with her Bunting the cat and we shared the story of ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ and investigated many old-fashioned toys! 🧸 We also learned about the history of Christmas and found out why […]

Christmas Design Technology in Reception

Reception are busy working hard on their Christmas hat designs for our Christmas dinner next week. They have to choose which shape they would like their hat to be, by dragging the points into position and then think about the colours and patterns that they would like. These are going to look amazing Reception. Well […]

Year One’s Showcase

Year One welcomed their parents in to school to share their learning about Toys and Christmas! They sang songs telling the story of Jesus through ‘Away in a Manger’ and made Christmas decorations including an angel for the top of their tree 🎄They also created their own cup and ball toy and taught their parents […]

Year One’s Computing

What a challenge Year One have faced this week! We have completed our computing units, looking at different types of technology in school and at home (why not try and name a few that you can spot?) and we’ve thought about how to stay safe online. We’ve created our own avatar (and talked about how […]

Times tables in Year Four

The staff in Year Four have been really impressed the progress all of the children have made with their recall of times tables. Here they are singing along to the 6 times tables.

Christmas Carol Service

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we were unable to go to the church today. But luckily Reverend Karen was able to come to us. We enjoyed listening to the Christmas story and celebrating by singing the carols that we had been learning. What a fantastic start to our Christmas celebrations!