Doctors and Dentists in Nursery 👩‍⚕️ 

The children in Nursery have had a very busy week learning about the important jobs of doctors and dentists. We have thought about our own experiences and thought about when we may need to visit a doctor or dentist. We have also been thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy and look after our teeth. […]

London’s Burning in Year One

Year One learned the song ‘London’s Burning’! 🔥 They performed together as a class using musical instruments and even managed to sing the song in rounds which was quite the challenge! 🎶 They sounded fantastic as they performed but also know that during the real fire in 1666, they couldn’t have ‘fetched the engine’ as […]

Concrete Maths in Year Five

This week in Year Five, we have been working on our multiplication and division unit. The children have been using concrete resources to support their learning as they have explored multiples and factors.  

Islam in Year Two

We have started learning about Islam in Year Two. We went over the key facts first and the children did a great job of recalling facts from previous years. Then we got out various artefacts to identify. We completed a task about the Islamic prayer beads and the 99 names of Islam.    

Practical maths in Reception

This week, we are focusing on capacity in Reception. Our task was to fit as many different objects into our box as possible. We had to think carefully about the size of each object  and if they were long or short. We then counted them out onto a ten frame to see who had the […]

Keep Smiling at Hillside

We are lucky enough to have Alice in school today from Stoke City. She is completing Keep Smiling workshops with years 2 to 6, explaining the importance of brushing our teeth, eating well and looking after our oral health.

Art in Year Four

The children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Oenone Hammersley. We focused on a piece of art called ‘Lost world’ which links to our work in English and Geography. We discussed the colour wheel and which colours work best together.

French in Year Five

This week in our French learning we have begun our new topic of “Healthy Eating”. We successfully went on a vocabulary hunt for new foods and used French dictionaries with efficiency to find some important new vocabulary.  

Drama in Year Three! 

There’s been lots of drama in Year Three this week! 🎭 We have had a visit from Rhodopis, the Egyptian Cinderella herself, and the children interviewed her with very some very interesting questions! We have also used freeze framing to help with our ordering of events ready for writing a retell next week.  

Daffodil Planting in Nursery

This week we have enjoyed planting our own Daffodils 🌼 . We looked at the bulb and talked about the shoots that we could already see, we thought about the different things we needed to do to look after our Daffodils. We know that we need to give them water if it doesn’t rain 🌧. […]