Our Jobs in Nursery

Today we have read a story called Odd Jobs, we thought about things we do at home and school to help our parents and teachers. Following on from the story we all thought about the jobs we would like to have in the classroom when it is tidy up time – we have all been […]

Geography in Year Five

This week, Year Five combined their maths and geography knowledge together to investigate the differences in biomes around the world. The children used line graphs to focus on temperature and how this was different from biome to biome. This children carefully considered geological reasons behind this.  

Reception Design a Fruit Salad

This week, Reception designed their own fruit salad following on from reading the story of Handa’s Surprise. The children selected what fruits they would like in their fruit salad. Then they chose and made it, before tasting it at the end of the day. The children even tasted a few of the less common fruits […]

Mathematical Bakers in Year One

Year One have been improving their maths skills this week, using Base 10 apparatus to support their understanding of tens and ones. They’ve been working on two digits numbers and using apparatus to represent them, focussing too on the language of more, less and equal to. They were also set a challenge on Number Day […]

Children’s Mental Health Week 2022

We are so impressed with how all of our children have engaged with open discussions and activities linked to their mental health this week! 🧠 From thinking about their future careers, working in teams to stay safe online 💻, to spotting signs of growth around them and within themselves 🌱, and when target setting and […]

Children’s Mental Heath Week

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and we’re raising awareness at Hillside! We’ve launched with an assembly, talking about how we can grow together. We are always growing and changing (like a tree 🌳 ) and some growth is really easy to spot (like losing our teeth 🦷 or getting taller!) but we also grow mentally, […]

Hillside Number Day

Number Day was a huge success and the children were fully immersed in all things maths related. The staff worked hard to make maths fun and to focus on developing positive ‘can do’ attitudes. Learning consisted of number hunts (using the numbers they have worn), practise of basic maths skills using our amazing online programmes […]

Vlad the flea in Year One

Year One have started their new English text, ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’ linking their English and History learning. So far they’ve explored facts from the story, found new vocabulary and worked out lots of tricky new words (like inferno!) and have shared the story together, practising their growing reading skills. They also […]

Hillside’s Space Camp

Last week, we successfully held our first residential space camp with our Year Five children at school. The camp started with their science lesson on Thursday afternoon, where their current topic is Earth and Space and they were learning about how the rotation of the Earth gives us day and night. After school, they put on […]

PSHE in Year Three

Year Three have been exploring different ways of keeping ourselves healthy, including our mental health this week. We have worked in teams to share ideas and presented our information in the shape of something healthy. In the end, some of them looked good enough to eat!