Collage in Year Four

The children have completed their artwork based on ‘Lost World’. They have used a variety of materials and techniques to create their final piece of work.  

Pancake Day in Nursery

This week, the children been learning about Pancake day and why we celebrate it. The children have found out that it always falls on a Tuesday and it is called Shrove Tuesday. We talked about lent and that Christians may choose to give something up that they enjoy. We tasted some yummy pancakes and enjoyed […]

Amazing English in Reception

This week Reception have been focusing on report writing for our alien visitors! We had a think about what kind of animals the aliens would like to find out about and then thought about what we already knew about them. We went home and discussed our chosen animals with our parents before writing up our […]

Year One’s Coding and Computing!

Year One have been coding this week using ‘Scratch’ to move a sprite (cat) around the screen! They listened and practised so well then created their own algorithm jigsaws (instructions) for the cat to follow. They had cats jumping on the bed, walking into the sea and finding different animals! Amazing. They also used secondary […]

Mary Anning visits Year Six

Children have been fortunate enough to have received a visit from Mary Anning this week. She delivered a workshop, which showed how she became a famous Palaeontologist (person who studied fossils). Children replicated her work by digging for the remains of some species. They asked very good questions and showed a superb understanding.

Local History In Year Two

Year Two have really enjoyed learning about Stoke-on-Trent in the past. This photos shows the children exploring two maps of Baddeley Green: one from 2022 and one from 1950. They used two colours to highlight the similarities and differences before discussing their conclusions as a class.    

Science in Year Two

Year Two is full of super scientists! We have been looking at animals and humans this term and the children loved exploring photos of themselves as babies and toddlers and pictures of their parents as children. They played a matching game and discovered that parents look like their offspring. We have also been learning about […]

History in Year Three

This week Year Three have been thinking like historians, asking questions and drawing conclusions about life in Ancient Egypt. They used pictures created to show what life was like using different sources of evidence. They asked some very interesting questions, spotted lots of clues and used their existing knowledge to understand further. Well done Year […]

Nursery – When I Grow Up! 

To finish our our topic we have thought about what we might like to do for a job when we grow up. We thought about all of the different people that help us and lots of other professions too. We looked at their uniforms and then painted what we would choose to be! We are […]