Mr Gray in Y5

Today, the children had a visit from Mr Gray, our chair of governors. He spoke to the children about what it was like to be a child during World War Two. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and his pictures were amazing!

Y4 making a noise

Year 4 have had an extremely noisy afternoon making pan pipes that produce sounds at different pitches, depending on length. We had time to practice and perform short tunes on the outdoor ‘stage’.  


Year 1 are enjoying working with sports leaders from Haywood Academy. They are taking part in a range of activities.

Film Night at Hillside

Our film night is underway. The children are settled with their snacks and are looking forward to seeing Paddington on his adventures!  Thank you parents for your support.

Pancakes in Year 1

This morning the children enjoyed trying pancakes, they used their knowledge of money to buy the toppings and to work out how much change they would need back.

Superhero Day In Reception

Wow! What a fun, action packed day we’ve had. Starting with our fabulous assembly, then baking some tasty bat biscuits and finishing with our Superhero training camp. We are all exhausted but have had an amazing day!