Flat Stanley

Year Three had a lovely treat when Mr Such came in to share the story of Flat Stanley! Everyone was involved in telling the story holding flags or items that fitted in the tale! Thank you Mr Such. We’re looking forward to your next story already!

Year 4 Maths

Year 4 carried out a practical maths activity, investigating how long a minute actually is! They were quite surprised as what they could actually do in only a minute. The question is…what can YOU do in a minute?

Lichfield Cathedral Music Share

On Wednesday, a group of Year Four children attended Lichfield Cathedral. During the afternoon, they practised their sings along with another seven schools. After their tea, they attended Evensong, a wonderful experience for them all and finally during the evening they performed in the concert. Their behaviour was impeccable, their singing was wonderful and we are […]

’My Masterpiece’ School Art Exhibition

Thank you to everybody who came to Hillside’s first Art Exhibition this afternoon.  The children have worked hard producing their artwork, and I’m sure you’ll agree that the exhibition looked fantastic!  Once again, we couldn’t do it without your amazing level of support. If anybody still wishes to purchase their child’s/children’s artwork, orders will be […]

Reception Class Showcase

A big thank you to all of the parents that attended the Reception Showcase yesterday. The children had an amazing time with you and were ‘buzzing’ at the end of the day. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as they did.

Top Link Festival

Pupils from Years 3 and 4 took part in a fun afternoon at Northwood Stadium and took part in a ‘Top Link’ sports afternoon. Harvey from Y3 and Isabella Y4 won best boy/girl at the event.  

Nursery at Manchester Runway Park

We have had a lovely day watching the aeroplanes land and take off, and learning about the different jobs in the airport. The children have experienced life in the cockpit and shall be bringing home a personalised photograph tomorrow! Well done nursery children for being so well behaved!

The Big Bang Fair

A group of Year 5 and 6 children went to Staffordshire University yesterday to take part in the Big Bang Fair! They had chance to explore lots of science stations around the university as well as a coding workshop and a balloon forces show! All the children had a great day and were complimented by […]

Reception’s Mystery Reader

Our second Mystery Reader this term was Jake Salmon’s mum, who brought in her favourite story, Julia Donaldson’s Sharing a Shell! The children loved this story  and sat and listened beautifully.

Reception’s Mystery Reader

A  big Thank you to our first Mystery Reader, Samuel Ford’s Mum who came in to share one of her favourite stories. All of the children were very excited and Sam’s face lit up as he realised it was his mum.