Cyclist Training

Year five and six are out doing their Bikeability training today and tomorrow. They will be learning about the safety equipment and clothing, maneuvering and  Year six are out on the road learning to safely stop at junctions.  

Ladybird Garden

Reception let our little ladybird friends go today. The children were excited to see them returned to their natural environment.

Den Building

What better way to keep cool in the hot weather, by building a den!  

Year 4 visit to Coombes Valley Nature Reserve

Year 4 had a fabulous day yesterday at Coombes Valley. We carried out a river study, collected creatures from the river, went on a minibeast hunt in the woods, experienced the canopy walkway found what was living in the meadow. What a glorious day it was too…!

Year Three Showcase

Thank you to all of the parents and family member that came to our showcase today! We loved working with you to create pottery designs, find out about famous Stokies and create landscapes! We also hope you enjoyed the lobby and oatcakes that we lovingly prepared this morning for you! What a great day to […]

Reception Minibeasts

Our Ladybird has hatched!  Reception are so excited to welcome our new addition, our very first Ladybird.

Mystery Reader in Reception

On Thursday, Reception had another Mystery Reader. Isaac’s dad came to read a story. The children enjoyed the story so much that he read a further two books. Thank you. If anybody else is interested in becoming our next Mystery Reader, please speak to Mrs Ashton.

PHSE Visitor in Year 6

Abi Little is in Year 6 this morning; it is the first of three sessions in which children will be discussing drugs and alcohol and their transitions to high school.