Pancake Day in Reception

Reception have been having lots of fun today learning all about Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday as it’s properly known. The children have been practising their pancake flipping skills as well as tasting pancakes with different toppings. We tried chocolate sauce,  lemon juice and sugar and jam. We thought they were all yummy! What do […]

Shared Reading

Thank you to all the parents and families for attending the shared reading session this afternoon. The children enjoyed having you in school and we hope you enjoyed the experience too.

Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you very much to Mrs Salmon who came in to be Year One’s Mystery Reader last week! We really enjoyed hearing your waggy tales, and loved the story about the Robot Dog! Thank you very much 🐶 (If any other parents, carers or family members would like to be a mystery reader, please let […]

Science Ambassadors

Science Ambassadors created lots of WOW’s on the playground this lunchtime with their lava lamp demonstrations!  

Year 5 Book Tasting

Year 5 was transformed into a café yesterday morning where we all had the opportunity to ‘taste’ a range of books from a range of different genres. Of course, because it was a café, we had to enjoy hot chocolate and biscuits, yum!

Treasure Island Book Week Performance

The children are enjoying a fantastic production of Treasure Island this morning. They are looking closely at the behaviour and appearance of the pirates to support them with their writing later in the week. The children and staff are also looking forward to the shared reading session this afternoon with parents and families.  

Y4 Cookery Club

The Year 4 Cookery Club made an alternative to sweet pancakes! They stuffed them with tuna, vegetables, cheese and a mayonnaise dressing! Hope they taste as good as the sweet ones!  

Year 3 Cave Painting

Year 3 have been in their makeshift caves this afternoon. They took inspiration from cave paintings found all over the world and created their own drawings.    

Year 3 Book Tasting

Year 3 kicked off Book Week by tasting books selected by the children as some of their favourites from our book corner. Hopefully it has inspired the children to try something new when they next come to pick up a book!