Nursery visit to Hoo Farm!

When we arrived we couldn’t wait to see all of the animals. We are just on the way to see the deer feeding and then we are going to our lambing talk!

Mystery Reader in Reception

A big thank you to Brooke’s mum who stepped in at the last minute on World Book Day. Brooke was delighted to see her mum, who shared a fabulous princess story with the class, especially as she came in wearing matching pyjamas!  

A fun-filled week of pancakes in Nursery!

This week the children have enjoyed learning about pancake day, they listened to Mr Wolf’s pancakes and then completed activities to help Mr Wolf. They have written him a shopping list, made their own pancake mixtures , played a pancake flipping game, created their own pancakes and of course tasted some pancakes!

Mystery Reader in Nursery

A big thank you to Matilda’s mummy who came in to read ‘It takes two to twit twoo!’ The children really enjoyed the story and loved joining in with the animal noises.

Book Week in Nursery

We have had a fantastic week sharing lots of stories. The children brought in book boxes to share the clues for their friends to guess the story, thank you so much for the time and effort put in to these – they were fab! The children also enjoyed swapping a book and taking a new […]

What an amazing week!

Thank you to for all the fantastic ‘shelfies’ we have received. The children have enjoyed looking at the photographs and finding out some of the favourite books of the staff and children. The ‘Reach for the Stars’ reading initiative is running for another week so the children still have time to read in the many […]

Headteacher Awards – Friday 8th March 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.  

Mystery Reader in Year 6

Miss Hewitt was unable to make the mystery reader slot on Monday so surprised the children by turning up this afternoon. The children loved hearing the story of ‘Mockingbird’ read aloud and some were so engrossed they have chosen to read it at home.

Year One’s Real Life Bear!

A real life bear came in to read to us today! Mrs Smith was a bear for World Book Day and we loved hearing her bear stories! We joined in with the stories and loved the rhyme patterns! Thank you Mrs Smith. If any other parents or family members would like to be mystery reader, […]