Hillside Rock Band

Well done to our Hillside Rock band ‘Super Seven’ who performed at a Rock-off at St Paul’s this afternoon. Their two performances were fantastic 🎤🎸🎹🥁

Comic Relief Total!

A huge thank you for all of the donations from last week’s Red Nose Day fun. The grand total comes to …….£330.50. An amazing effort – thank you!

Mystery Reader in Nursery

Thank you to Logan’s Mummy who came in to read ‘Giraffe’s Can’t Dance’ last week. The children loved listening to all of the different voices and sharing the giraffe teddy while they listened! They had an extra special treat of an animal sticker too –  thank you.  

Red Nose Day!

On Friday, we were been raising money for comic relief, the children looked absolutely fantastic with their red clothes and wacky hair – some very impressive hairstyles have been seen! Throughout the day the children had the chance to decorate their own cupcake – a big thank you to the Y4 cookery club, Mrs Green and Mrs Rhodes for […]

Headteacher Awards – Friday 15th March 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.

Year 3 Paralympic Event

A big thank you to Mr Edwards and the sports leaders for a super afternoon of Paralympic Sport!

Science Event at the Kings Hall

Some Year 5 pupils enjoyed a full steam ahead event at the Kings Hall in Stoke, as part of Science Week. They engaged with a range of science activities and were excited to share their experiences with the class.

Mystery Reader in Reception

Thank you to Sonny’s Nan who was our secret reader yesterday. She brought a fantastic story in to share with the class, Sonny’s Wonderful Wellies! She also read Silly Suzy Goose, which the children especially loved as they got to try the funny sounds Suzy made.

Working Scientifically in Year 5

Miss McCann has returned from her training at the STEM centre in York, totally inspired to trial the amazing ideas she has experienced. This afternoon, Year 5 have been making careful observations, using a range of scientific equipment to ask and answer questions about mixing substances.