Year 5 Science

Year 5 have been carrying out some fantastic science. After separating mixtures last week, we have made a solution and used evaporation to separate the salt from the water. Everyone followed the safety rules excellently, showing how to keep safe when working with flames and boiling water.  

Working Scientifically in Y2

Wow – we have lots of scientific brains in Y2! We have been conducting a comparative test to see how seeds grow and mature! We made sure it was a fair test, and we discussed that scientists need fair tests to have accurate recordings! Miss Walker is very impressed with our love of science!! We […]

Headteacher Awards – Friday 22nd March 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.

Year One’s Halving

Year One have worked hard to find half! They were either sharing ladybirds, pirate coins or rockets equally and worked well in pairs to find half! Well done Year One 🚀  


Reception have been learning about the Jewish festival of Sukkot. We built a Sukkah in the woods and sat down inside to have our drink.

Challenge wall completed

Wow! The teamwork, determination and effort has been astounding this morning. The children had fun and managed to all get over the wall at 8 planks high! The sun is shining, the orienteering task is coming to an end and the children are looking forward to a rest and some lunch.

Book Week Winners

Well done to the winners of our Book Week Writing Competition. The children all had to complete a piece of writing based on the stimulus of ‘pirate stories.’ They have won a shopping voucher for their amazing efforts.  

Stanley Head Day Visit

The children have arrived at Stanley Head and are settling into their first activity. One group is abseiling and the other is having a go at the challenge wall. Exciting!

Year One’s Mindsets

Year One have been enjoying their lessons on having a growth mindset! They sent their well wishes to themselves, people they know and care about, and in to the world yesterday – we hope you felt their love coming your way! They are all trying hard to be positive, keep trying and reflect on their […]