Year One’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Mrs Plant, Jack’s Nan, who came in to see us in Year One last week! We loved listening to the stories that you shared and joining in with the bits that we knew! Thank you!

General Knowledge Quiz Team

A massive congratulations to the 2019 Hillside General Knowledge team. They competed in a Rotary-organised quiz event at Burnwood Primary School tonight and performed really well. They were a credit to Hillside and were pleased with their gift of a £10 voucher each from Tunstall Rotary Club.

Forest Schooling Club

Tonight, the children built their own fire to cook chocolate waffles. They also built tree swings, which they are getting quite good at now, and played games in the woods. We’ll be looking forward to our last session next week.

eCadet lesson Y5

Our eCadets have delivered a lesson this this afternoon about keeping safe when gaming. They have discussed PEGI ratings with the class and the children are now designing their own game cover, complete with PEGI rating and reasons for it!  

Cross Country

A big well done to the children that represented Hanley in the City Cross Country event on Friday. The children ran really well despite it being a tough course and should be very proud of themselves.

Fun in the Sun!

We have managed to squeeze a quick break in this afternoon so the children have enjoyed the sunshine whilst playing on the field ☀️

eCadets Lesson

Ethan and Keira-Leigh have delivered a lesson about online safety whilst gaming that they have been working on as part of their role as eCadets.

❤️ Thank you mummies❤️

What a lovely Mother’s Day assembly the Nursery children delivered this morning. They enjoyed telling their mummies how much they are loved and appreciated. We hope everyone who came enjoyed the assembly, their gifts and the school lunch afterwards. Thank you for making it such a lovely morning 💐

Headteacher Awards – Friday 29th March 2019

Well done to the children who have been recognised for displaying one of our school values and were awarded with a Headteacher’s certificate in celebration assembly this morning.