Year One investigate their geography!

Year One have been learning about towns, cities and the countryside today. They have sorted urban and rural pictures very cleverly using their Maths skills in to a Venn diagram and talked about what they might see in a town versus the countryside. They even used the centre for things that fit in to both […]

Tolerance Assembly

Mrs Rushton delivered an assembly all about a key British Value today, talking about tolerance, differences and kindness. She started off not being very tolerant – getting groups of children to sit down just because she didn’t like their pets, they didn’t wear glasses or because they were a boy or girl! Talking about how […]

Aldi’s Kit for Schools Promotion

Parents and families, Just to let you know that we are taking part! See brief details below: From 6th September, Aldi’s Kit for Schools promotion is giving 20 primary schools the chance to win £20,000 to kick-start a health legacy for their school. What’s more, every school who enters by completing their Aldi’s Kit for […]

Attendance Celebration Assembly

Our celebration assemblies began this week with our 100% Attendance Assembly. It was great to have to squeeze 92 children on or around the stage and congratulate them for their achievement. 92 children attended school every day of the Summer term and Flynn from Y4 won the CineWorld voucher prize.  31 of these children were further […]

First Week Back for Reception Class

Reception have had a fantastic first week. They have tried lots of new activities and made lots of new friends. We have been amazed at the enthusiasm they have displayed towards all that they have done. Well done Reception!

Welcome back Year One!

Year One have been impressing their teachers with how grown up they are and how hard they are working! They’ve written their targets and summer recounts in English, counted blocks and played counting games in Maths, thought of classroom rules in PSHCE and named their country and county in Geography! Amazing! Here they are in […]

Reading Rocket

Our first Reading Rocket for the new academic year begins on Monday 9th September and will run for the next seven weeks, ending on Sunday 27th October 2019. We hope the children will be encouraged to read five times per week and develop the habit of reading widely and often.  

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming the pupils of Hillside Primary School back into school tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd September 2019). We hope that they have had a fun-filled Summer break and are eager to return to school for the new academic year. A reminder that the school dress policy is available on the website for your […]

End of another academic year

As we come to the end of another very successful year, may we take this opportunity to say thank you to all, parents, families, staff and governors for your continued support. We have once again been overwhelmed with kind wishes, cards and gifts – all of which are greatly appreciated. We hope our children and families […]

Farewell Year 6

Today we are bidding our final farewells to our Year 6s. We began with a lovely leavers assembly this morning where the children shared some of their most treasured  (and hilarious) memories. It was a very emotional event but one where everybody had the chance to say how proud of the children we are and how much […]