Nursery fun!

Nursery have made a brilliant start to their school year! They have all settled really well, they are engaging in play with their peers and are making new friendships. We have spent the last two weeks learning the rules and routines of the classroom. We are having lots of fun, learning through play!  

Year 6 ‘Safe+Sound’

Year 6 have arrived at Hanley Fire Station for their annual Safe+Sound event. Children will be doing workshops to learn about fire safety, anti-social behaviour, alcohol awareness, trucks and child safety, and mental wellbeing.  

Year 6 Science

Year 6 are settling in well this year. This term’s science topic is ‘Living things and their habitats’. For this, we have been practising making classification keys to classify ourselves by common, observable characteristics.    

Year One’s Visit to Milton

Year One have visited Milton today as part of their geography learning about the local area. They visited many shops including the local florist and chippy! They spotted two churches, different types of houses and of course the local park! It was lovely to eat outside in the sunshine and the school sandwiches went down […]

Around the World in Year 2

As part of our geography work, our year 2 children have been learning about the 7 continents of the world. They watched a video about each one, questioning what they could see, and used them to guess which continent it was. They then created super maps with everything labelled accurately.

Emperor Claudius in Year 4

Emperor Claudius had an important job for his advisors this afternoon as they had to convince him whether invading Britain was a good idea or not. They put forward some excellent arguments during the classroom debate and finished their persuading through conscious alley. Claudius’s final decision was that he would invade as he felt there […]

Year One’s Singing Session

Year One learned a few seasonal songs today, linked to their learning in science and geography about the weather! Mrs Nelson taught them songs for the seasons with actions and everyone loved joining in and sang beautifully! Can they remember the songs about the falling leaves on their nose, on their head and hands and […]

Reception – Forest School

Reception have had a fantastic time exploring in the woods today. For some children, it was their first time and one little girl summed up the afternoon with ‘I love it, its brilliant!’ We developed our science skills investigating the different objects that we found such as acorns, apples, leaves and woodlice! We also used […]

Year 5 English:

Year 5 have continued with their wonderful start to the year by completing a drama activity this week. They all created thoughtful questions to ask our different “Elliots” in order to prepare themselves for our descriptive writing later this week. In this picture, you can see the pupils asking a range of questions to the […]

Year 4’s Outdoor English Lesson

Year 4 have been recapping their understanding of prepositions this afternoon by observing what they could see in our school grounds, and enjoying the good weather at the same time!