
Good luck to our Bananagram semi finalists who are about to battle it out to be the ultimate Bananagrams champion. Tensions are running high as the children are all desperate to win.  

Online Safety Advice

Dear Parents & Carers, The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers and how to act safely when using the internet. We are therefore delighted to announce that Hillside Primary School […]

School Closure Procedures

In preparation of further inclement weather, please can I remind you all that, despite our best efforts to stay open, on occasions, the weather and the conditions on site may make this impossible. As a result of this, I may, reluctantly have to close the school. The decision to close the school is a serious one. […]

Year Three and Year Four Paralympic afternoon

Mr Edwards and some sports leaders have worked with Year Three and Four this afternoon, where the children have experienced some Paralympic sporting activities. Everyone listened brilliantly and participated extremely well, in addition to learning about sports opportunities available to people with disabilities.  

Safer Internet Day

This morning, Miss Nelson did an assembly all about Online Safety ready for Safer Internet Day tomorrow. During the assembly, Miss Nelson explained the importance of keeping personal information private, what to do when something that makes you uncomfortable happens online and the pros and cons of having an online identity. Tomorrow the children will […]

When I grow up… 

This week, Nursery have been learning about the job role of a builder! We’ve had lots of construction materials out and have seen some fabulous creations being made. We have used our mark making skills and number knowledge in our ‘Tool Hire Station’ and have baked some delicious tool themed biscuits in the shape of […]

Helicopter Stories in Nursery

Nursery are thoroughly enjoying our helicopter stories. The children are thinking of their own imaginative stories, having them scribed by an adult, then bringing them to life by acting them out on our ‘stage’! Well done Nursery, you’ve all shown so much confidence, it’s lovely to see!