DT in Year Three – Sewing Bees

Year Three investigated different sewing techniques such as running, back and blanket stitches. They then evaluated which stitch would be the most suitable for their project. Lots of sewing bees in the making! Well done!

Disco Fun in Early Years

Nursery and Reception had the best time at their Christmas disco! They danced until their legs ached! 🥳  

Puppets in Year One

Year One came to school dressed as toys and spent their day creating their own toy puppet! They had to test puppets, consider different joining techniques and design their own puppet and then make and evaluate their own work! They worked really hard and have all created a finger puppet to take home to play […]

A Christmas Story in EYFS

The children in Reception and Nursery have been busy practising their performance of the Christmas Story this half term, they have been retelling the story using actions and learning lots of new songs to tell the story. They were all amazing at performing in front of their audiences last week and made us very proud […]

Year Five Non-chronological report

This week, we have been preparing a non-chronological report to summarise our learning on the Ancient Greek Olympics. Here are some snaps of the children completing a retrieval chocolate bar exercise to bring together all of their wonderful facts. Perhaps ask your child to share their most interesting fact at home!  

Christmas artwork in Reception

This week, Reception have been focusing on careful brushstrokes to create the branches on their Christmas trees. We have also talked about and experimented with colour mixing to create a variety of shades of green for the leaves. We think that they are going to look amazing!  

Peter Blake in Year One

We’ve started to learn about the pop artist Peter Blake who creates bright, vibrant paintings and paintings that show the beauty of different places 🖼️ The children have learned about his work, studied it closely and talked about what they like and dislike as well as considering how they were created 🤔 They’ll be creating […]

Incy Wincy Investigation in Reception

Reception have been investigating which materials would protect Incy Wincy from the rain. They tested paper, tissue, grease proof paper, tin foil and plastic. They discovered that the paper and tissue were no good as the water soaked straight through and although the greaseproof was good initially, it eventually soaked in too. They liked the […]

Sorting Shapes in Year Two

The children in year two have been learning about shapes and their properties. They were challenged to sort them in different ways using the new vocabulary they have learnt.

We love exercising in Year Three!

In PHSE, we had lots of enthusiastic group work and interesting conversation about the importance of exercise. We all came to the conclusion that we can always add extra bit to increase our physical activity (ideally 60 minutes per day).