Our super scientists have been working collaboratively this week when working scientifically and sorting solids, liquids and gases. There was lots of discussion around those ‘tricky’ ones such as sand, cream, ice and toothpaste.
Category Archives: Latest News
Technology Around Us in Year One
Year One have been learning about technology around us – things that have been made to help us! We found lots of different ones in the classroom – scissors, laptop, sharpeners, iPad… and talked about many more that we might have at home. We have also progressed to using the laptops – practising how to […]
Nursery: People Who Help Us
This week we have started our new topic all about people who help us, we have been learning about the emergency services and how they can help us. We talked about ringing 999 and we decided if different scenarios were emergencies or not. The children have enjoyed role playing police officers and firefighters and had […]
Gymnastics in Year Two
Year two have been taking inspiration from real gymnasts in PE this week. They then had a go themselves before peer assessing each other.
Reception: Storytelling in the woods
This week, Reception have been retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three Bears in the woods. They had great fun eating the porridge, sitting on the chairs and pretending to sleep in the beds.
Welcome to Nursery!
This week, we have welcomed some new children to our Nursery class through our rising three’s scheme. They have settled so well, made lots of friends and we are so proud of them all! Welcome to Hillside!
Identifying the Prime Meridian in Year Five
In our geography lesson this week, we identified and discussed the significance of the Prime Meridian. We used this to help us identify different times zones around the world using our knowledge of capital cities.
Drama in Year One
Year One have started learning about the Great Fire of London and in English have been using their drama skills to tell the story of Toby! They had to add expression, use vocabulary from the story, consider how the characters felt and add actions to each part! Incredible 🔥
Christmas Crafts in Year Five
This week in Year Five, we’ve stepped into Christmas as we created seasonal calendars for our friends and family.
Mosaics in Year Four
The children have used a combination of their history knowledge, art skills and understanding of area in maths to design and create these wonderful mosaics. After designing their Roman themed creations, they worked out the area of each colour then arranged the ‘tesserae’ to produce their final piece of work, which they will be taking […]