Outdoor English in Year Four

Year Four have been busy consolidating their previous SPAG knowledge during English, as they were sent on a vocabulary hunt in the sunshine. Miss McCann was impressed by how much they remembered from Years 1, 2 and 3. Well done everyone!  

Our new Year One! 

Our new Year One class have come back to school fantastically after a strange few months! It has been wonderful to share their smiles, hear their stories and find out about the summer holidays! This week they have been painting themselves looking carefully at their features, creating a growth mindset display writing goals that they’d […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! Year 6 have again topped the leader board for successfully reading the most out of all the classes in school. Year 1 are slowly working their way up to the top spot so let’s see if they can beat Y6 next week! The leader board is as follows: Year 6 […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! Year 6 have retained their top spot and are have successfully read the most out of all the classes in the school. Well done to Year 5 also for moving your way up the leader board. The leader board is as follows: Year 6 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well, the scores are in! We have a new leader at the top of our Purple Mash reading leader board. Year 6 have now taken the top spot. Well done! The leader board is as follows: Year 6 Year 4 Year 1 and Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 We want to remind the children […]

RSE Day – 25th June 2020

Today is RSE Day, an annual celebration of healthy, positive relationships! Relationships, Sex and Health Education is a statutory element of our curriculum from 2020 (and is taught through our PSHE lessons). This year the theme is ‘Books about love that I love!’ and the activities below could be completed with your children to encourage […]

Purple Mash Reading

Well done to all the children who are accessing their reading on Purple Mash. Reading regularly really makes a difference to a child’s fluency, understanding and confidence. The following leader board demonstrates the class of children who have read the most during the previous week: Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 6 Year 2 […]

Reading on Purple Mash

This week, we invited children from Year 1– Year 6 to complete their reading online using Purple Mash. We are so impressed with the amount of children accessing this amazing resource. The leader board below shows the class that has had the most children complete their reading online: Year 1 Year 4 Year 5 Year […]

Reading at Hillside

A big thank you to all the children and parents that have already dropped reading books, library books and reading for pleasure books off at school. There are still some to be returned and we kindly ask that they are dropped off by the end of next week. The book box is still situated outside […]