Art in Year Four

The children have enjoyed creating artwork in the style of Oenone Hammersley. We focused on a piece of art called ‘Lost world’ which links to our work in English and Geography. We discussed the colour wheel and which colours work best together.

PSHE in Reception

This week, Reception have been thinking about bullying as part of our PSED work. After listening to a story about a little boy who was not very nice to his friend, we talked about how the friend must have felt. We also talked about what they should do if anything like this happened to them. […]

RE in Reception

As part of our RE work, we have been learning about how Christians believe that God created the world. We talked about all of the wonderful, natural things in our world and then drew some amazing pictures. We have some fantastic artists in Reception. Well done!

Space Art Year Five

On their return to school this week, Year Five completed their Chesley Bonestell art project. They focused on using a fine brush to add detail alongside the light source to accurately place shadows.  

Reception Showcase

Reception had a fantastically creative time at their showcase on Friday. The singing was beautiful as were the various pieces of artwork that the children created. There was even a treasure hunt linked to one of our favourite stories.

D.T. in Year Six

Year Six have been designated the task of building Jim Jarvis, from our English test ‘Street Child’, a market stall to sell his shrimps. Children are testing out the stability and sturdiness of existing designs before planning their own design and experimenting with joints. We will be eventually making our own market stalls out of […]

Martin Bulinya in Year Two

Year two have learned about the artist Martin Bulinya this term. They learnt many facts about his life, practised the skills and imitated a piece of his art before creating their own Martin Bulinya inspired art. They finished their unit by having a mini art gallery exhibit to showcase their wonderful work.

Christmas Design Technology in Reception

Reception are busy working hard on their Christmas hat designs for our Christmas dinner next week. They have to choose which shape they would like their hat to be, by dragging the points into position and then think about the colours and patterns that they would like. These are going to look amazing Reception. Well […]

Amazing Artists in Year Three! 

Year Three have been learning about Nick Gustafson’s rainforest art this term and have created their own interpretations using oil pastels. They have used bright colours and different techniques such as pointillism and layering. We are so impressed with the results!  

Year One’s Toy Shop

Year One have been studying the work of Peter Blake, a pop artist! They learned about Blake using web sources, used magnifying glasses to study his work in detail, spotting similarities and differences and then created their own toy shop in his style. Blake filled a shop window with toys and so using their pencil […]