Clarice Cliff in Year Two

Year Two have been learning about the art of local artist, Clarice Cliff. They have recreated some of her most famous patterns and this week, they used clay to create their own piece of pottery (something they know all about after their super history learning!). They will soon paint it with a Clarice Cliff pattern. […]

Three Little Pigs Artwork in Reception

This week we have been learning about and retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs. For our artwork, we decided to combine a range of media to recreate the three houses. We used different  techniques such as drawing, collaging, printing, cutting and gluing to combine the materials.  We think they will look amazing on […]

Mother’s Day Assembly

This week the children have been thinking about their Mummy’s / Nanny’s and why they are special to them. We have learnt about Mother’s Day and how it is a special day for our Mummy’s/ Nanny’s, to say thank you we have been busy practising a Mother’s Day assembly as a special treat. We have […]

Computing in Year Two

Year Two have been learning how to present information in different ways. Last week, we explored 2Connect to create a food diary mind map. We then continued this lesson in science and learnt about healthy eating. This week, we explored 2Paint, and presented a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery before having a go on paper […]

World War Two: Non-chronological reports

Year Six have been using non-chronological reports found in the library to find out as much information as they can about World War Two. They were given free-reign to present their work how they wanted. The whole class have made a superb start.

Year One’s Artwork

Year One have been creating artistic painting masterpieces based on the work of Jan Griffier. They studied his work and found out that he was alive during the Great Fire of London! 🔥 They have then created their own artwork in the style of Griffier, creating a dark wash for the city sky background and […]

Collage in Year Four

The children have completed their artwork based on ‘Lost World’. They have used a variety of materials and techniques to create their final piece of work.  

Nursery – When I Grow Up! 

To finish our our topic we have thought about what we might like to do for a job when we grow up. We thought about all of the different people that help us and lots of other professions too. We looked at their uniforms and then painted what we would choose to be! We are […]

Year Six’s Market stalls

Year Six have completed their market stalls for the latest D.T unit. They have used their design specifications to measure, cut and assemble a market stall so that Jim, from our English text, ‘Street Child’, can sell his shrimps on the streets of London.