Press printing in Year Four

After learning about Andy Warhol, the Year Four children have had a go at press printing. They created designs and then used polystyrene tiles to etch in their final design. After producing their art, they evaluated their work and enjoyed sharing their work with each other.

Creative Year Two

Year two have been very creative over the last few weeks. In art, we have been learning about William Turner and completed observational drawing of boats. In DT, we have designed, made and evaluated Moon Buggys, to further our learning of Neil Armstrong in history.

Nursery’s trip to France 🇫🇷 

This week we have pretended we have been on holiday to France. We have been writing postcards to say what we have been doing on holiday, creating French flags, building our own Eiffel Tower models and enjoying a visit to the French market! Tres bien Nursery!

Minibeast hotels in Reception

This week Reception have designed minibeast hotels for their minibeast friends. We considered the range of materials available and then the children selected what they would like to use. They recorded the designs onto a minibeast hotel. The children brought in recyclable boxes which they then filled with their selected materials. Next week we’ll see […]

Our super new Year Twos

We have been so impressed with our new Year Twos. Whether it was the plant maths, the David Hockney art or the mysterious creature writing, they have thrown themselves into all the activities this week and shown they are more than ready to begin their journeys in year two. We are so excited to get […]

Transition week for Nursery

Nursery have had a fantastic week in Reception. They have made lots of new friends and tried lots of new activities. They have wowed Mrs Ashton and Mrs Dixon with their phonic knowledge, sang lots of amazing counting rhymes and showed the numbers on their fingers, produced some beautiful artwork and tried mindfulness colouring which […]

Stone Age Art in Year Three

This week Year Three have had a go at mono printing using their designs which were inspired by Stone Age cave paintings and traced over them. The children were very careful not to get themselves or their artwork very messy! They were thrilled with the results and will be using this technique to create their […]

Year One’s Antarctic Artwork! 

Year One have been studying Henri Rousseau and creating their own work style in his style 🖼 Rousseau is famous for painting jungles with hidden animals 🐯so we created an Antarctic landscape with animals from Antarctica 🐧 and hid them amongst the snow or waves, linking to our learning in Geography! We painted a wash, […]

Minibeast Artwork in Reception

This week, Reception have been getting creative with some caterpillar and butterfly artwork. We have been experimenting with a range of techniques including fixing different materials together for collage and painting, then folding paper to make beautiful symmetrical butterflies.

Daddy’s treats in Nursery

This afternoon we have welcomed our daddies in to school to celebrate Father’s Day with them. We have completed craft activities, enjoyed garden games in the sun ☀️ and cakes, biscuits and drinks. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon and hope you have a lovely day on Sunday!