Year One’s Artwork

Year One have been finding out about Peter Blake, a pop artist who created ‘The Toy Shop’. They’ve found out what ‘pop’ meant, how to collage and have practiced their drawing, shading and collage skills creating their own whole class toy shop window full of their favourite toys! They’ve also created their own small version […]

Martin Bulinya in Year Two

Year two have been working hard in art. They have been learning about the artist Martin Bulinya. As part f their learning, they used their observational drawing skills to copy African patterns. They eventually produced brilliant final pieces and took part in an art exhibition where children commented on their pieces of art.

Diwali in Reception

This week, Reception have had a fantastic time learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. After reading the story of Rama and Sita,  the children acted it out as well as making play dough diva lamps, Diwali cards and lots of rangoli patterns. We also did some Diwali yoga and Indian dancing before writing out […]

Remembrance in Reception

This week we read a beautiful story about Remembrance Day that helped us to understand why we have this special day. We learned about why we wear poppies and who it is to remember. We made our own Remembrance cards, artwork, and play dough poppies amongst lots of other exciting activities.

Bonfire Night in Nursery

This week we have been learning about bonfire night and fireworks, we have found out a little bit about Guy Fawkes and that he was not a very nice man and learned a bit of the poem ‘Remember, Remember ‘. We have been using our phonics to listen to the different sounds we might hear […]

Autumn Art in Nursery

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about Autumn. We have completed lots of different art activities including creating our own Autumn wreaths. We thought carefully about the different colours that we can see in the Autumn and used these to design the wreaths. We think they are beautiful!

Observational drawings in Year Three

In Art, the children have been completing observational drawings on frogs. This links to the work we have been looking at created by Nick Gustafson. When completing their drawings, the children thought carefully about the details they wanted to include and some began to add shading to their pictures.

Reception are zooming off into space

This week Reception have been reading the story ‘Whatever Next’ about a little bear that makes his own rocket and flies into space. As well as acting out the story, we have been recreating some of the objects that you might see in space, such as the planets. We used marbling ink to create the […]

Welcome back Reception

What a fantastic first week Reception have had. We have been so busy making new friends, exploring our classroom and outside area, enjoying new activities, investigating, building, drawing, making, dancing, meditating and so much more. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store. 😀