Easter preparations in Year Five

This week, Year Five have been super busy completing their extended writing which is based on our key text of the term, ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. The children have been writing a persuasive letter to Stoick the Vast, informing them of their views about catching dragons. Also, the children completed their P.E. lesson, in […]

Easter Fun in Nursery

Nursery have had a very busy week completing lots of Easter activities, they have listened to the Easter story and retold it using clues they found in the woods. They have been creating Easter artwork, making cakes and learning about the life cycle of a chick. We hope you all have a lovely Easter Nursery […]

Easter in Reception 

The children in Reception have has a fantastic week learning all about the origins of the Christian Festival of Easter. As well as talking about the changes in nature around springtime, they have baked chocolate Easter cakes, created Easter collages, completed Easter maths work and been on an amazing Easter treasure hunt. The children collected […]

Nursery’s Wonderful Week

The children in Nursery have had a fantastic week, they have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk and enjoyed lots of exciting activities including retelling the story, creating beanstalk pictures, building beanstalks and even planting our own magic beans! We took our learning into the woods and practised carrying sticks, big and small, […]

Traditional Tales in Reception

This week, Reception have been immersing themselves in the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children are loving our new story and one of their favourite activities has been exploring building using a variety of materials in the classroom and also in the woods. There have been many cross-curricular links in this story including […]

A busy week in Year Five –

This week in Year Five we have been very productive in all areas of our curriculum. We completed our magnificent paintings of the Solar System inspired by Chesley Bonestell. To complete our brilliant designs, we used our sketching skills combined with effective use of acrylic paints. We are all very proud of our work! Also, […]

Book Week in Year Three!

What a super week we’ve had this week! Year Three have been very busy during Book Week completing amazing work. They have enjoyed painting and researching different sea creatures, creating masks and bookmarks and sharing their favourite books. We hope you had a great time snuggling up with a book each day!  

Year Five’s Brilliant Book Week

This week Year Five have been celebrating their love of literature during book week at Hillside. We have all been very busy reading, enjoying and appreciating our favourite authors. Lots us have completed creative projects from recreating the front cover of our favourite books to creating colourful book marks and even cakes! We are extremely […]

Year Six Book Week

Year Six have been very busy this week, taking part in a range of Book Week activities. Though the circumstances of Book Week this year have been different to previous years, the engagement has been just as impressive, with children going to enormous effort with their work. Some entries to the book competition have already come […]

Artwork in Year One

Year One have been learning about Henri Rousseau and his art at home and in school. They found out facts about the French artist and were amazed to learn that even though he had never been to the jungle or seen many animals, he drew wild creatures within his work! They have then imitated his […]