First week in Year Four

We have come to the end of our first full week back at school and the children have continued to amaze us with their hard work. This week they have recapped learning from previous years in English and started to learn about shapes and their properties in Maths. They have also started work linked to […]

Working hard in Year Two!

Year Two have been working very hard this week in many different areas! They’ve created codes in computing to save turtles, considered emotions and responsibilities in PSHE and learned about Bastille Day, creating amazing artwork featuring the Eiffel Tower. Super attitudes to learning in every lesson – well done Year Two! You should be very […]

Year Three Cave Artists

Year Three had a very creative day yesterday. They created Stone Age cave art using pigments and water to add colour, just like the original cave artists would have done. Then they used the technique of mono printing to add their design. We are so impressed with their final art work!  

Year Three’s visit to Caudwell Children’s Centre

On Wednesday, some members of Year Three were invited to explore the Caudwell Children’s Centre in Keele. They took part in lots of crafty activities and took part in a scavenger hunt in the sensory garden.  

Year One’s Jan Griffier Art

Year One have been finding out about Jan Griffier and studying his artwork closely. They have created their own masterpieces in the style of his painting created in 1675 – a few years after the Great Fire of London. They used different paints to create a wash, add a foreground of buildings and houses and […]

Mental Health Awareness – Connect with Nature

This week we have been raising awareness of mental health and how important it can be to connect with nature! We have shared an assembly and now know how to bring the outside in (maybe eat brekkie by a window!), how to notice nature (using our senses to look carefully) and how to appreciate and […]

Earth Day and St George’s Day in Reception

Reception have had a lovely first week back, learning about some very special days. On Thursday, we learned all about Earth day and what we could do to help to restore our planet. The children came up with some fantastic ideas such as picking up litter and recycling it. We also learned about what we […]

Earth Day in Nursery 🌍🌎

The children in Nursery have been enjoying lots of activities today to think about the different ways that they can help to save our planet. They have been sorting recycling, exploring the sea pollution bottles using magnifying glasses and magnets, rescuing endangered species and creating a collaborative colouring to make our own Earth poster. The […]

A busy week in Year Three!

This week, Year Three have been working their socks off once again. They have been learning all about mummies (and some even turned into some!), drawing in the style of Ruth Heller, trying some Easter story drama activities and have even been on an Easter egg hunt around the school. They are also excited to […]

Easter Competition Winners

A huge congratulations to our Easter competition winners. We were blown away with the effort that the children had put into their designs. After much deliberation, each class teacher made the difficult decision and chose two winners who received the prize of a large chocolate egg. A big well done to all who took part. […]