Observational drawing in Year Six

Year Six have been looking at the floral patterns of William Morris’ motifs this term. To support their perceptual understanding of the floral designs, children have practised drawing from observation, using close analysis to draw ‘what they see, not what they think they see’.

The Big Story RE Day

On Monday, the whole school explored the big story of the bible. Following an introductory assembly by Mrs Ashton, each class took one of the key concepts to investigate in more detail. The concepts being Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation, Kingdom of God. The children were fascinated and enjoyed the wide range […]

Computing in Reception

Reception have been developing their computing skills this week by programming the Beebots to move around the carpet and painting firework pictures using Purple Mash. Well done Reception. The next steps for the Beebots are to programme them to move to a specific location. This is something that we will be working on, over the […]

Pirate Treasure Maps in Reception

Reception have been working hard to create their own treasure maps to find the chest of gold on the desert island. They worked really hard describing all the features that we needed to have on there, such as the land, the sea, the trees and a pond. We think our maps look amazing and we’re […]

Reception: Out of this World Art 

This week Reception have been exploring a new art technique, marbling! The children loved choosing particular colours to represent the planets in our solar system. They, then mixed them up before carefully placing their blotting paper on top. We think they look amazing!

Amazing Artwork in Nursery

We have been looking at Steven Brown’s artwork this week and had a go of painting our own pets in the same style. Nursery have done so well will this, well done!

Mosaics in Year Four

The children have enjoyed creating mosaics through printing. They thought carefully about the colours and patterns they wanted to create. We think they will look great on display in the corridor.

Year Five Artwork

This week, Year Five have continued to develop their acrylic paint project on Chesley Bonestell. We have been busy researching lots of information about Bonestell and also compared him to other artists we have encountered, such as Andy Warhol. Well done Year Five on this super start, we can’t wait to see your final pieces […]

Dinosaur World in Reception

Reception have immersed themselves in Dino world this week. They have had a fantastic time investigating and measuring dinosaur bones, creating dinosaur artwork, rescuing baby dinosaurs from frozen eggs and learning all about where the dinosaurs used to live, the history of the dinosaurs and why they disappeared. The children were fascinated and enjoyed sorting […]

PSHE in Year Three

This week, we’ve been looking at diversity in PSHE. We talked about how important it is to celebrate our differences and created jigsaw pieces which show all the of the interesting things about us that make our classroom diverse. When they are finished, we will put them together to make a Year Three jigsaw which […]