Year 5 Maths

On Friday, Year 5 were converting metric lengths. They were measuring various parts of their body with a ruler in centimetres and then converting them to millimetres and metres.

Year Three’s Funky Fingers

Year Three have enjoyed using their funky fingers in handwriting today. They also enjoyed the classical music interlude by Beethoven!

Science Ambassadors

Our Science Ambassadors have been enthusing our younger children again today by creating their own rain clouds and rain, using water, shaving foam and food colouring. They are obviously doing a wonderful job as a Year One child was overheard saying “I LOVE science, it’s amazing!”

National Holocaust Memorial Assembly

In recognition of the National Holocaust Memorial Day on Saturday 27th January, Hillside Primary’s Key Stage 2 classes have been learning about the holocaust and how we can prevent such tragic genocides happening again. In remembrance of all genocides including the holocaust, each class has created a unique way of recognising those who have lost […]

Dogs on School Premises

Please be reminded that dogs are not allowed on the school site,  unless they are an aid dog providing support to either a blind or deaf person. This includes dogs which are picked up and held in arms.  There are notices near all entrances to this effect.    

Go Wild Forest School

A last minute change of day didn’t set us back, however with the weather being wet and muddy we made use of the outdoor hut! We had a lovely afternoon in our Go Wild workshop! We used tools -junior hacksaw, pin hammer, palm drill, hand drill & a bit and brace. We had a chat about […]

Better Reading Partnership

Congratulations to the following children who have completed the Better Reading Partnership! They have spent the last ten weeks working with teaching assistants in school to improve their reading pace, fluency and comprehension skills and have worked hard with their parents at home. Well done to all as they have made great progress!