Year Three are erupting!

Year Three have been finding out about how magma bursts through the Earth’s crust as lava and creates volcanoes! They’ve made their own eruptions using bicarbonate and vinegar – all looked amazing but smelled horrendous!

Year Three’s Earth!

Year Three have started their new topic about the extreme Earth. They’ve learned about what’s beneath their feet and made their own planet Earth from dough! Ask them to tell you which part is the crust, mantle, outer and inner core!  

Reading Rocket Winners

Congratulations to the children who completed the Reading Rocket challenge during spring 2. We are all so proud of the children who have shown such amazing dedication to reading and they have been awarded with extra playtime, a letter home and a small treat. There were 56 children who achieved it during the last half […]

Friday’s Fun in the Sun!

Reception took advantage of the lovely weather on Friday afternoon. They paddled and jumped and had a splashing time.

100% Termly Attendance Assembly

94 children were congratulated in assembly this morning for achieving 100% attendance during the Spring term. Well done and thank you to each child and their family.

Fun in the sun for Nursery!

The children in nursery (and Miss Hewitt!) have had an amazing afternoon in the paddling pool. They have enjoyed splashing, practicing their swimming, boat races and relaxing in it and are already asking for it out again!

Book Club Returns!

Hillside Book Club has a group of new, eager members. The children have chosen to read The Girl of Ink and Stars this half term and are really enjoying the text, as is Mrs Wainwright.

Outdoor Learning for Y1

Year 1 are enjoying the sunshine today and have taken their learning outside. They are reading Titus’s Troublesome Tooth with a cold drink- let’s hope this beautiful weather continues.

Forest School

Year 5 enjoyed the outdoors during the first Wild Play after school club.  The task was den building, which some groups found trickier than others!