Stories with Ian Billings

Key Stage One and Reception have enjoyed a visit from a famous author, Ian Billings. Ian showed the children how easy it was to use their imagination to create stories. The children helped by taking on a variety of roles in an alternative retelling of the Hansel and Gretel story.

Ian Billings Workshop- Year 6

Year 6 are enjoying their workshop with Ian Billings. They have laughed lots this morning: enjoying Ian’s jokes and stories. They are now helping Ian to write a setting description using imaginative techniques to elicit effective vocabulary, detail and ideas. Ask your child about their learning today… we are sure you’ll receive some unusual answers!

Using the woodland to support learning

Year 6 have enjoyed using the woodland area to support their English learning. They personified objects they found in the woods; making sure they used effective Year 6 vocabulary and imagery. They will use these sentences in their twisted fairy tale that they will be writing next week.

Visiting author in school

Ian Billings, a famous author and stand up comedian, is visiting the children today. Ian has seventeen titles published so far and has also penned episodes for CBBC TVs ‘Chucklevision’ and ‘Gigglybiz.’ We are sure that he will inspire the children in his stand up show and workshops that are happening throughout the day.

Year One’s number hunt!

Year One have been hunting in the woods today to make a counting caterpillar! They found numbers and had to order them then talk about what they noticed. We practiced counting in tens loudly! Ask them if they can count in tens at home too!      

Weeping Window at Middleport Pottery

We had a lovely trip to see the Weeping Window at Middleport Pottery yesterday. A group of Year 5+6 children spent time exploring parts of the heritage site and particularly enjoyed standing inside the last remaining bottle oven at the site. The children enjoyed the splendor of the poppy display and respectfully left messages in […]

Learning in Reception

Reception have been learning about birthdays this week. We have made our own play dough and are now making birthday cakes with it. We are counting out the candles for the cakes.  

Read Theory

The expectation for children to achieve a signature in their reading diary from the website has been reduced. Now, instead of children having to earn 200 Knowledge Points for one signature (or 400 for two), they are now only required to achieve 50 Knowledge Points for one signature (or 100 for two). We ask that […]