Y3 visit to Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Yesterday, year 3 travelled to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The children took part in a workshop on plants, explored the glasshouses, found out about interesting plants and their uses, created some natural art and finally, enjoyed playing on the park! The children were superb and had a lovely day.  

Forest Schooling

A fun afternoon was had by our forest schoolers this week, where they used peelers to remove the bark from sticks. They were also given the challenge to create something that could fly, and during their free play, were clambering and practising their climbing skills. REMINDER: As the nights are becoming darker, we request that […]

Year One Remember

Year One have been learning about Remembrance Day this afternoon. They thought about their own memories and then found out about how we remember soldiers who have fought in and are still fighting in wars today. They’ve made their own poppies for a display in school and have written carefully about what seeing a poppy […]

Firework Fun

Reception have had a lovely start to this half term with lots of exciting firework activities. After learning about the Gunpowder Plot, they have been making their own junk model fireworks, colouring firework pictures, making chocolate sparklers and creating firework patterns in the tuff tray.  

Year 3 Letter Writing

Before half term, Year 3 received a strange letter. Although the contents of the letter are top secret, the children were not happy with what they had read! They decided to write a persuasive letter in response and to ensure it was as formal as possible, they chose to type up their final letters. Fingers […]

Halloween fun in Nursery!

The children had great fun taking part in some Halloween activities. They decorated spider biscuits, collaged pumpkins, explored and found spiders and Halloween pictures in the jelly and made a potion for the witch!      

Mystery Reader in Nursery

The nursery children had a lovely surprise when Joseph’s mummy arrived to read a story to the children. They sat and listened very well to Room on the Broom and are looking forward to seeing who is coming next!

Cross Country

On Thursday, Hillside welcomed 3 local schools for a cross country event. The children represented the school fantastically. A big well done for an amazing run.

Forest School afternoon

The children had an amazing afternoon yesterday building dens, exploring the woods, playing with clay, gathering sticks to use, learning to light a fire with a ferro rod and cotton wool & playing woodland games. Bat & Moth will always be a favourite game for all ages!