Mystery Reader in Nursery

A huge thank you to Mrs Schonau who came into Nursery last week to be our mystery reader. The children loved listening to the story ‘Nobot the Robot with no bottom!’ and found it quite amusing!      

Chinese New Year Celebrations in Nursery

The children have had a fun filled day today learning about the Chinese New Year, the children have made their own chinese lanterns, drawn pictures of the animals from in the story, taken part in the dragon dance and even had a little Chinese New Year party, tasting a selection of chinese foods!

Year One’s Super Senses!

Year One have been learning about their super senses this afternoon! They completed five investigations into what they could see, hear, touch, taste and smell and realised that things are much easier when they are allowed to use all of their senses together. They seemed to enjoy the taste and smell tests the best – […]

Chinese New Year

Today we learned all about Chinese New Year in assembly and how this year is the year of the Pig. At the end of the assembly, our Year 6 RE ambassadors gave a rousing performance of the Dragon dance.  

Chinese New Year in Reception.

This week we are celebrating Chinese New Year. The children are trying lots of new activities such as using chopsticks for noodles and writing numbers in glitter. They are also making their own dragons and writing New Year cards.      

Year 3 Magnet Compass

Year 3 were working hard again during their science lesson. They learnt about the North and South Pole of a magnet and observed how this could be used to make a compass!  

Staffordshire Invertebrate Science Fair

Staffordshire Invertebrate Science Fair. Saturday March 2nd, Staffordshire University. Free event, free parking. Loads of stalls and activities for adults and children. More information can be found on their Facebook page.

Reception’s Mystery Reader

Thank you to Evelyn’s dad for being out mystery reader. Evelyn was so pleased to see her dad and he had brought two of her favourite books in. Oops a daisy Maisie and Mr Noisy.