Virtual Science Fair

Wondering what to do during half term? Swansea University are holding a virtual Science Fair with lots of exciting things going on! Why not sign up and have a look, Miss McCann will be!

Home Reading

Just a little reminder that our Reading Rocket ends this Friday. Please can you makes sure that your child’s reading diary is up to date to be put into the prize draw. Due to our book change day now being a Friday, we will be sending enough reading books home to last the children over […]

Headteacher awards – Friday 16th October 2020

Congratulations to the children who received a Headteacher’s Award on Friday. You have all displayed our school values and impressed your class teacher – well done! You are all superstars 🌟      

Year Four Science enquiry

Year Four have been carrying out a fair test to find out how sound travels best. They made the decisions on which aspects to keep the same, including the distance from the sound source, the noise made and the number of taps or scrapes as they tested a range of objects and materials. They then […]

Year Six’s science in the woods

To supplement our science topic, ‘Living Things and their Habitats’, Year Six have been up the woods to find species, including arachnids, annelids, molluscs and insects. We photographed the species using the iPads and will be using the photographs to draw other comparisons in future lessons.  

Times Tables Rock Stars

The children have returned to school with continued enthusiasm for our online Times Tables subscription: Times Tables Rock Stars. I have been asked by many of the children to reveal the current leader board for each class to show which children have answered the most questions correctly. Below shows the top three times tables champions […]

Harvest Reminders

Just a quick reminder that for our harvest celebrations again this year we will be collecting food items for the Stoke-on-Trent Food Bank. There will be a crate outside each entrance/ exit door on Thursday 22nd October and all donations will be gratefully received. A reminder also that all entries for the Autumn colouring/ art […]

Reception met a Mermaid!

Today, Reception were very lucky and had a visit from a mermaid! Her name was Mermaid Hannah and she had a beautiful tail! She told us that she lives in a shell palace under the sea with her friend Oceana. She explained to us that she went to school under the sea and answered lots […]

Hello Yellow – Thank you! 

Thank you to all of the children and adults who donated to our Hello Yellow Fundraiser last week. We raised a grand total of… drumroll… £224! An incredible amount! Thank you for helping to make a difference, for proving that teamwork makes the dream work and for being kind! You are all mental health heroes! ✨💛😊

Continents in Year Two

Recently, year two have been learning about the world. They have looked at the United Kingdom and the countries that it is made up of. Last Friday, they looked at the continents and drew them on balloons to represent a globe. Everybody had lots of fun with only one balloon popping!