Year 5



Hello everyone! Welcome to the spectacular, dynamic and creative children who make up the fabulous Year Five class at Hillside Primary School. Every day we love to apply our confident growth mind sets to new challenges set by our amazing teachers. The work which we continue to produce is a reflection of the dedication and hard work we always put into our learning. Within our classroom we have an abundance of natural talent from super scientists, exciting writers to excellent athletes.


Our teacher this year is the fascinating Mr Soboljew, who always plans thought provoking lessons for us to consider and discuss. Also, to support us in our learning are the understanding, patient and knowledgeable Miss Pinnington and Mrs Harrop. Together we work as a great team to share and develop our love of learning.


Our wonderful classroom is organised into different teams. These teams our inspired by our fascinating topics which we study. For example, in our first term, our teams are based off the Greek Gods. Some of the team names included: Hera, Poseidon, Hestia and Aphrodite. We compete to earn marbles for our teams throughout the week for a special treat. Marbles are awarded for excellent and inspiration work alongside demonstrating the core values of Hillside.


We have a great amount of exciting opportunities and experience whilst in Year Five. Our PE sessions are always amazing! For example, we learn all about rowing using the equipment. Also, we have a sensational and spectacular music teacher in Mr Hall. Our music lessons are always filled with lots of opportunities to work in groups and enjoy a wide range of musical genres.


Throughout this year, remember to keep visiting the app in order to keep up to date with our amazing progress this year!