Year 2

Hello! We are Hillside’s fantastic Year 2 class. Our class teacher is Mr Mellor and our teaching assistants are Mrs Daley and Mrs Hollinshead. We are hardworking superstars who love to face a new challenge. We come to school with a smile on our face and love to show our school values.

We know the importance of showing equality in Year 2 and we are happy to help our friends if they are upset or struggling. We also love to show determination. We have shown this recently by starting our path to becoming Times Table Rock Stars. This helps us to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times table. We love to try and be as quick as we can!

We show excellence when working in class. We have a range of exciting topics this year including ‘Around The World’, ‘This is Me’ and ‘Explorers’. We have really enjoyed our learning so far and we are working hard on our metacognition: memorising those interesting facts! We have shown how super we are on the computers and we enjoy learning outdoors.

We have children in our class who are inspirational! We’re now the oldest on our playground so we’ve made it our mission to set an example to the younger children. It’s so important to be good role models. At many times during Year 2, we have to show courage. Sometimes, things get a little tricky or they may upset us. We learn about growth mindset at Hillside and show our courage when faced with a difficult challenge. It is important to celebrate our mistakes and understand that there is no such thing as a bad mistake.

There are a few things we do that are different to last year. In the morning, we love to use the many languages in our classroom to answer the register. At the end of the day on Friday, we explore a new career. We learn a little about the job and what skills we would need. Finally, we love to show our independence by choosing our own level to start on and sticking in our own work.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about our fabulous class. Thank you for reading our information. See you soon in Year 2!