Year 1

Welcome to Year One!

We are Year One! We are funny, playful, amazing, friendly and we love to learn every single day! There are thirty of us in our class and we have a few more boys than girls! This year we will all turn six and some of us will be visited by the tooth fairy! Our teachers are Mrs Rushton and Mrs Green and they help us to learn.

We are fantastic learners and we are all very clever in our own way! We love to learn lots of new things together and we always say that team work makes the dream work! We complete lots of practical activities before we work in our books and we start the year with lots of games and hands-on activities. We know lots about our brilliant brains and that we always need to try hard to get better at our learning – one of our school values is determination and we are very determined! We love number work and our phonics and handwriting is improving every day and we are incredible at counting! We play lots of games in our phonic lessons, learning to sound out, blend and practise hundreds of tricky sounds and words improving our writing every day.

Year One love learning outside and having fun, especially in our school woodland. We hunt for numbers, collect letters or observe seasonal change as part of our ongoing science work! This year we will also be growing plants and watching them change as the months fly by. We are brilliant at learning with our hands and we love working together in our teams. We get to choose our own team names and they are very interesting and sometimes very funny! We work together in teams and all help each other, using our growth mindsets to support our learning by always having a go at the challenges we are set. We think we are outstanding and will get even better this year!

It is fun being outside at play times and lunch as we love going on to the agility trail and playing with the wobble boards. We are all speedy runners and fabulous footballers too and we love to play together. We get to play with toys and we stretch our muscles on the gym equipment. We are kind to each other and play nicely, following our school rules to be kind, stay safe and show respect.

We love being in Year One and we are growing in independence every single day!