First News is a weekly newspaper aimed at 7 to 14-year-olds that aims to get kids talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way.
We are creating free access to our products for a limited period, to help parents, children and schools during any isolation or school closures.
We cover issues which are relevant to children and which specifically affect them. Inside you’ll find a mix of world news and UK news, but also loads of fun stuff, such as entertainment, games, animals, sport and puzzles.
Mental health support- great advice and support for all. Also features a parents helpline
The Wind in the Willows West End production is available to stream free- what a treat!
You can listen to David Walliams every day- a new one is available each day. A lovely way to spend 20m minutes.
A round up of great free resources
White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. We will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
Literacy Trust – As a response to school closures, we have developed a comprehensive web portal for parents, to support you during this time. Over the next days, weeks and months we will be updating this as often as we can with new and useful content for parents.
Split up by age group below, you will find ideas and guidance for simple activities that will engage your children at home, while also benefiting their reading, writing and language development.
You’ll be able to access free reading and writing resources, audiobooks, videos, competitions and reading challenges. Every resource is available free, although to access some you may need to create a free account.
and a few more ………