It seems like it has been soooo long since we have seen you and we are missing you very much! We hope that you are all well and that you are showing your mums and dads that teamwork makes the dream work by working together!
School is very quiet without you and Mrs Rushton is finding that her own children don’t listen quite as well as you do when doing their school work! We have set you some 2Do’s on Purple Mash – the split digraph is on there (remember that sneaky magic ’e’ at the end of a word changes the vowel from its sound to its name, like ‘a’ becomes ‘A’).
We hope that you are getting out in the fresh air, having fun in your gardens and we have spotted rainbows all around school – have you put one in your window? Also, it is now officially Spring so can you spot some signs of seasonal change? The pussy willow that Mrs Green brought in to class flowered and was beautiful!
Just to let you know that Mr Miyagi has temporarily moved house – he is now living with Mrs Rushton until we are back as we wouldn’t want to forget to feed him and he may be lonely without your chatter and laughter in the classroom all day!
If you are doing school work today, think of a question that Mrs Toye might use when she does the register when we are back together again – we can’t wait for that!
Now keep washing your hands, keep being kind and keep smiling! You are superstars and we cannot wait to see you soon!
Love Mrs Rushton, Mrs Green and Mrs Toye