Nursery’s Visit to Santa πŸŽ…Β 

Last week the children had a very exciting trip to see Santa, we didn’t quite make it all the way to the North Pole but Santa very kindly met us at Amerton Farm.
The children enjoyed a fun-filled day, having a ride on the coach, leaving school behind and heading on their first Hillside adventure, they loved talking about the things they saw on the way and were even more excited when they arrived at Amerton!
We were greeted by Santa’s elves and given time in the play barn while waiting for Santa to see us, we went through his magic wardrobe to find him. We were so lucky to receive a gift and we promised to go straight to sleep on Christmas Eve.
We then met his reindeer and had a ride on the tractor and trailer all around the farm.
What a busy day, well done Nursery you were all such superstars!