

Welcome to Hillside’s Nursery Class!

In our fantastic class, we are bubbly, curious, funny and friendly children. Our class teacher is Miss Hewitt and Mrs Snow is our teaching assistant. We are also supported through the week Mrs Dixon and Mrs Hollinshead.

While we are in Nursery we will be learning lots of new and exciting things, a lot of this will be through our play activities and challenges that we are set. Our time in Nursery will be a very fun and busy year.

Let’s start by telling you about our classroom… WOW it is amazing! We have so many different areas and activities to explore – including construction, reading area, writing table, small world play, sand/water tray, funky fingers and our creative area. We also have a lovely role-play corner that is our ‘Home Corner’ – we love to go into this area and pretend to be real grown-ups, we make dinner, bake cakes and do the washing and ironing!

In Nursery we are going to be superstars and are all very eager to learn to count, read and write. Our phonics is all about listening to different sounds; sounds we hear around the house, in the environment and sounds that musical instruments make.

That is just inside the classroom, outside is just as exciting. We have our own area under the canopy where we can continue our learning; we take it in turns with our friends to play outside during the day. We can go ‘out, out’ onto our own little playground – this is where we can ride bikes, scooters and cars around our track, play with different sports equipment like bats and balls and skipping ropes, we can use the construction vehicles in our gravel area and we can explore different ways to move by using our trail.

We are all really looking forward to start our Forest School sessions every Wednesday. We have seen our woodland area and have been talking about the different things that we will be able to do.

We have settled very well into our new school, making new friends and building relationships with our teachers and we cannot wait to have a fun-filled year!