We hope you and the children are safe and well.
We just wanted to let you know that after the positive feedback from children and parents, we have set the children’s home learning in the same way. You will find, on the home learning section of the website, two new grids: a topic grid and a mathematics grid. These activities are for the next two weeks and should be completed in the same manner as before. Record any answers in your child’s books; please do not worry about printing the worksheets off. We will continue to set aside time in school to support those children whose parents are key workers, please remember to send their home learning books into school every day.
For children in nursery and reception, they will continue to have two grids also. One with maths and English tasks and another which covers all the other areas of the early years curriculum.
There are an abundance of online websites and games that can be found on our website if your child wants to do more and teachers will continue to set Purple Mash tasks; however, please remember that these are optional and we do not want children to feel pressured into doing them all.
Finally, we want to reiterate the importance of encouraging your child to read regularly. Just twenty minutes per day will make a difference to their vocabulary, knowledge and confidence so please don’t underestimate the power of reading to and with your child. If they have already read the books that we have sent home, please read books, magazines, online texts or anything that your child is interested in.
As always, we are here to help and support, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything via email office@hillsideprimary.org.uk.
Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.