The first allocation concert tickets have been sent home with your child tonight, please check their school bags.
We regret that there are no additional tickets available for the KS2 concert at 6.30pm on Tuesday 11th December. There is however some availability for the KS2 concert at 9.30am on Wednesday 12th and for the Reception/KS1 nativity on both Wednesday 12th December at 2.00pm and Thursday 13th December at 9.30am.
If you would like further tickets for these, please send a note of your request plus £1 cash for each ticket, in an envelope to be handed in by your child, by the start of the school day on Thursday 6th December. ParentPay will not be used for these extra tickets. We will then check availability and if your request cannot be met we will return the envelope to you.
Please do not call into the school office with ticket requests.