Year Two have been growing plants together this year. Recently, they planted their own sunflower seeds and hope to grow huge sunflowers based on everything they have learnt over the last two years of science. Who will grow the tallest? Mr Mellor has put his sunflowers in some strange places, such as the cupboard and […]
Category Archives: Science
Year One’s Super Senses!
In Science, we have been learning all about our senses! We used different body parts – our 👀 👂 👅 👃 and 🙌 – and tested how well they worked! We had to count balls being thrown using our eyes (with a sneaky 🙊 hidden), sniff pots (with stinky vinegar in!), listen carefully outside to […]
Making Mummies in Year Three
Year Three have been learning all about how bodies were mummified in ancient Egypt. They have even had a go themselves using tomatoes! They emptied the tomatoes ‘organs’, cleaned and dried the tomato and have packed it in ‘natron’ to preserve it. We are eager to see the effect this has upon our tomatoes and […]
Computing in Year Two
Year Two have been learning how to present information in different ways. Last week, we explored 2Connect to create a food diary mind map. We then continued this lesson in science and learnt about healthy eating. This week, we explored 2Paint, and presented a piece of Clarice Cliff pottery before having a go on paper […]
Year Five Theatre Visit
This week, Year Five were privileged to visit the theatre to watch the performance of Stem Sisters. The performance was fantastic and taught us all about the lives and discoveries of female scientists from all around the world. We also learnt about some vital qualities which the scientists had such as curiosity, courage and persistence. […]
Special Delivery 📦 in Nursery
This week the children have had a very egg-citing delivery. A parcel arrived with tape that said ‘Fragile’ wrapped all around it. We carefully opened it and inside found 6 eggs, we have placed them in the incubator and are eagerly awaiting to see what happens. We have made our predictions and the children think […]
Observations over time in Science – Year Four
The children have been developing their Science skills by learning how to read a thermometer during an investigation. They collected the temperature of two samples of water over time. They noticed how cold water got warmer over time and warm water got colder. How interesting!
Super Science in Year Three
This week our Year Three scientists investigated the surface for a toy car to travel on. They worked in teams to perform comparative tests and measured the distance the cars had travelled on each one. Next week, they will present their data and draw conclusions from their findings. Well done Year Three!
Amazing English in Reception
This week Reception have been focusing on report writing for our alien visitors! We had a think about what kind of animals the aliens would like to find out about and then thought about what we already knew about them. We went home and discussed our chosen animals with our parents before writing up our […]
Year One’s Coding and Computing!
Year One have been coding this week using ‘Scratch’ to move a sprite (cat) around the screen! They listened and practised so well then created their own algorithm jigsaws (instructions) for the cat to follow. They had cats jumping on the bed, walking into the sea and finding different animals! Amazing. They also used secondary […]